
Lillian Mookodi

Lillian Mookodi holds a Master of Science in Development Economics and Policy; and a Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree where she specialised in Economics and Statistics. Her degrees were obtained from the University of Manchester and University of Botswana respectively. She is currently employed as an Associate Researcher where her assignments include: conducting research, collecting, evaluating data; preparing reports of completed projects for publication; for presentation to agency requesting project, or for use in further applied or theoretical economics; and contribute to writing research papers. Ms Mookodi has also worked for five years for the Ministry of Finance & Development Planning, as a Poverty and food Strategy Coordinator where her duties included: implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the National Strategy for Poverty Reduction; coordination of poverty information systems and advocacy; production of periodic poverty reports and bi-annual bulletins; promote policy dialogue, and best practices and consensus building. Ms Mookodi’s research interests include economic development; poverty; inequality; gender development; employment; food security; child nutrition and growth.

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