“Emerging actors, such as providers of South–South cooperation (SSC), are
increasingly playing a role in peacebuilding, particularly in fragile states and
conflict-affected areas. While there is much discussion on the role of emerging
donors in sustainable development, there is little empirical evidence on their
contribution to peacebuilding and state building. Joint research by the South
African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) and the Center for International
Cooperation (CIC) analysed the features of South African and Turkish assistance
to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia respectively, to unpack what
sets these emerging economies apart from Western powers operating in similar
environments. This paper compares the peacebuilding approaches of South
Africa and Turkey and attempts to assess their effectiveness in relation to the
approaches of traditional donors. Evidence from the two case studies shows
that, while operating under different paradigms, principles and drivers, Southern providers not only bring substantive support to fragile states but also get different types of results and responses from host countries. While it is still difficult to discern a clear ‘Southern peacebuilding model’, emerging economies play an important role in promoting peaceful and inclusive societies and accountable institutions, in
their region and internationally.”