
Towards a Green Economy: Exploring the potential of forestry in Tanzania through the Green Growth Platform

“Green Growth is vital for sustainable
development due to its consideration for social and environmental components that compliment, rather than work against the economic elements. Foresty and related
activities are an ideal sector where the elimination of the growth vs. environment dichotomy is both necessary and appropriate. Forest management and governance are vital issues for development in Tanzania, Africa and the global context of mitigation and adaptation efforts relating to climate change – not to mention the fact that there
are tremendous emerging and long dormant
opportunities. To build a sound, well-regulated and sustainable forestry industry, one that meets the demand of a rapidly
growing population, contributes to poverty reduction and participates in global efforts to avert devastating climate change requires knowledge, vision and strategic partnerships
across all sectors of society. The success of the first Green Growth Platform event in Iringa provides a blueprint for bringing together diverse stakeholders to discuss and
experience relevant industries. “