
The Constellation of Southern African States and the Southern African Development Co-Ordination Council: Towards a new regional stalemate?

“The object of this study is to examine some of the implications for Southern Africa of the existence of two separate groupings of states in the region. The origins and development of CONSAS and SADCC will be considered in turn. A comparison will be drawn between the two associations
in order to establish whether their aims and activities are in common, compatible and complementary, or whether these are competitive, even in conflict, and duplicative. Some factors which are likely to have a bearing on the measure of success or failure of the two groupings will
be suggested. Consideration will then be given to the possible impact which the division of the region into a “constellation” and ‘counterconstellation”
might have on the prospects for peace and stability in Southern Africa. It should be explained that the present study focuses
primarily on the political rather than the economic issues involved. However, it is recognised that the two are by no means neatly separable and that economic matters necessarily have to feature in a study of
this nature.”