This diagnostic study aimed at establishing the capacity and supply of evaluators in Uganda and what is required to strengthen this capacity and supply. On the supply side, the study established that there is a substantial potential pool of M&E consultants in Uganda. The study also established that there are a number of universities, training institutions and national, regional and international networks for evaluation capacity building in Uganda. Results from the survey of individual evaluators show that the majority of the evaluators self-taught(50%). It was also established that about half of the donor-led evaluations were conducted by international evaluators only, while approximately the other half was conducted by mixed teams, i.e. international and national evaluators. The pricing of skills varies according to experience, education, or whether one is a local or international consultant. Results from the survey of local individual evaluators show that the average charge out rate per day was US$200. On the demand side, the Government has in place guidelines for the public sector and UEA has developed and approved standard guidelines that stipulate that evaluators and evaluation teams must be independent, trustworthy and transparently selected. The value of the current country demand by government as per the National Policy on Public Sector Monitoring and Evaluation (2013), is approximately 28% of the projects that are valued at over 70 billion shillings.