This study is part of the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Project in Togo which generally aims to establish a local monitoring system to generate poverty profiles, particularly in the rural areas. It provides an analysis of the socioeconomic conditions of CBMS sites in local monitoring of SDG. Based on descriptive statistics, poverty maps, and a multidimensional poverty index score, our analysis uses CBMS household- and individual-level data from 4,543 households in four townships in Togo. Analysis of CBMS-Sustainable Development Goals (CBMS-SDG) indicators generated from the study reveals that the proportion of households below the national rural poverty threshold is about 78.43%. Less than 10.68% of the population was multidimensionally poor, however. Years of schooling contributed most to multidimensional poverty in these localities (43.95%); cooking fuel contributed 15.50% and electricity, 6.84%. Moreover, CBMS data also reveal that only 23.34% of women have the right to make joint decisions with their spouses regarding their sexual and reproductive lives. The paper concludes that strengthening rural households’ access to credit and other inputs to increase the household income and reduce poverty is essential.