
A Technical Analysis of Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration a Case Study from Burundi

“The Monograph explains in detail the process of DDR followed by AMIB and ONUB.
The authors discuss in detail the efforts by the AMIB mission to start the DDR process
and the problems of dealing with more than one ceasefire agreement, as well as
convincing the role players to accept a joint plan for demobilisation and start the
process. Because of the lack of funding by the AU a lot of donor support was used to
start the process. When AMIB was taken over by ONUB in December 2004 a significant
portion of the planning for the DDR process was completed. ONUB managed to continue with the DDR planning, and this resulted in a successful DDR process. The problems experienced during the process are discussed in detail, such as defining who is a combatant, the verification process, the identification and logistical management of assembly areas, food provisions to former combatants who were still armed, and protecting cantonment areas, to name a few.
The monograph also emphasises the importance of strategic planning for reintegration
and the need for political pressure on a government to find a solution to the enormous
range of tasks associated with the disarmament and integration of combatants.”