
African Journal on Conflict Resolution Vol. 10, No. 1, 2010

This article contains five topics and two book reviews. ‘Implications of the Bakassi conflict resolution for Cameroon’ sketches a conceptual framework of international conflict dynamics and resolution, examines geopolitics of the Bakassi dispute between Nigeria and Cameroon, and outlines socio-economic implications of its peaceful settlement. ‘The international community and post-war reconciliation in Africa: A case study of the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ analyses the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) as an internationally driven process to enhance reconciliation, peace, development and democracy in Sierra Leone. ‘Ye Shakoch Chilot (the court of the sheikhs): A traditional institution of conflict resolution in Oromiya zone of Amhara regional state, Ethiopia’ attempts to answer the questions, what are the pull factors towards traditional institutions? And why do people prefer the traditional institutions vis-a-vis the state legal system? ‘Women in conflict and indigenous conflict resolution among the Issa and Gurgura clans of Somali in Eastern Ethiopia’ tries to show the impacts of conflict on women, the role of women in conflict and indigenous conflict resolution, and the participation of women in social institutions and ceremonies. ‘Explaining inter-ethnic harmony in Enugu city, South-eastern Nigeria, 1970–2003’ examines the indigene-settler inter-relations in Enugu to determine why and how the city sustained ethnic coexistance, cooperation and harmony since the end of the civil war.