
African Journal on Conflict Resolution vol. 13, no. 2, 2013

The first article “Conflict and conflict resolution in Africa: Engaging the colonial factor” seeks to understand the ineffectiveness of efforts at conflict management in overcoming the disasters that brought the conflicts to the African continent. “Interethnic conflict in Jonglei State, South Sudan: Emerging ethnic hatred between the Lou Nuer and the Murle” analyses the escalation of interethnic conflicts between the Lou Nuer and the Murle in Jonglei State of South Sudan. “Peace at last? Appraisal of the Addis Ababa Peace and Security Cooperation Framework and the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2098 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo” analyses the Addis Ababa PSC Framework and the UN Security Council Resolution 2098. It interrogates their ability to deliver on their ambitious promise of contributing decisively toward the search for peace and stability in the DRC and its surrounding Great Lakes region. The paper on “Fragility and the State: Post-apartheid South Africa and the State-Society Contract in the 21st Century” argues that some aspects of South Africa’s sectors are weakening, and that changes need to be made to renew the state-society contract and build up resilience in these areas of fragility in order to prevent future protests and violence. ”Strengthening ethical political leadership for sustainable peace and social justice in Africa: Uganda as a case study” analyses the crisis and proposes a model for strengthening political leadership through African Ubuntu ethics and the involvement of local, national and international actors to achieve sustainable peace and social justice. A book review ‘Civil Wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1960-2010’ then concludes the journal article.