During the AU Golden Jubilee Summit, Member States pledged to commit themselves to the continent’s development and techno[1]logical transformation through a continental strategic framework, Agenda 2063, and to national development plans through a people-driven process. Furthering decisions of the AU Executive Council, the AUC formulated goals, targets, and strategies to realize Agenda 2063. The AUC decided to assess the capacities required for implementing Agenda 2063 at the continental and regional levels (and subsequently at the national level) and worked closely with the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF). The preliminary findings and recommendations from the capacity needs assessment were presented to the June 2015 Heads of State and Government Summit. This CDP document proposes multilevel and multistakeholder CDPs that identify an initial set of foundational capacity-strengthening activities for the First 10-Year Implementation Plan (first 10-year plan) of Agenda 2063.