
African Union Agenda 2063: Capacity Requirements for the New African Vision Agenda 2063 – “The Africa We Want”

At the African Union (AU) Golden Jubilee Summit in June 2012, the heads of state and government assigned the chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) with
developing Agenda 2063, an indigenous strategic framework for Africa’s transformation over the next 50 years anchored on inclusive growth and sustainable development. The Summit, while acknowledging past successes and challenges, rededicated itself to the continent’s development and technological transformation. It pledged its commitment to making progress in eight main areas: democratic governance; an integration agenda; African identity and renaissance; Africa’s place in the world; a determination of Africa’s destiny; an agenda for peace and security; an agenda for social and economic development; and the struggle against colonialism and the right to self-determination of people still under colonial rule. It further pledged to integrate these ideals and goals in national development plans and the development of Agenda 2063 through a people-driven process for realizing the AU’s vision for an integrated, people-centered, prosperous Africa, at peace with itself.