Briefing Paper

Amuria District Local Government Coucil Scorecard Assessment FY 2018/19

This brief is developed from the main Scorecard Report titled “The Local Government Councils
Scorecard FY 2018/19. The Next Big Steps: Consolidating Gains of Decentralisation and Repositioning the Local Government Sector in Uganda.” The brief report highlights the performance of elected leaders and Council of Amuria District Local Government. Located in the Eastern part of Uganda, Amuria District is one of the districts that constitute the Teso Sub Region. The district comprises sub counties of Abarilela, Abia, Akeriau, Asamuk Kuju, Morungatuny, Ogolai, Ogongora, Olwa, Orungo Willa and Amuria Town
Council. The national housing and population census of 2014 estimated that the district has a population of 183,343 (89,434 male and 93914 female). Amuria District is bordered by the districts of Kapelebyong, Katakwi, Soroti, and Alebtong in the north, east, south and west respectively. The major rationale of the LGCSCI is to induce elected political leaders and representative organs todeliver on their electoral promises,
improve public service delivery, ensure accountability and promote good governance through periodic