Briefing Paper

Climate-smart Agriculture in Botswana

Botswana’s agriculture sector consists of crops and livestock production, and traditional farming remains the dominant farming system. The principal crops grown are sorghum, maize and millet.
Cattle rearing is the main agricultural activity in Botswana and the beef industry is the only sub-sector of the agriculture sector that has constantly remained a significant contributor to the national
Gross Domestic Product . Botswana holds great potential for CSA, but this needs to be further explored. The first recommendation from this policy brief is to critically analyze the current National Policy on Agricultural Development to determine alignment with and opportunity for CSA.
Secondly to identify and eliminate perverse incentives that limit CSA uptake among farmers, and implement incentives that reward CSA practices. The third recommendations is to empower stakeholders in government, NGOs, and extension services to understand, promote, and implement CSA in varying agro-ecological contexts in Botswana. Work towards institutional coordination between
private and public agriculture and climate-related institutions at national and international levels to enable increased and diversified investments in CSA priorities in Botswana is the fourth recommendation. Lastly to closely monitor the impact and success of CSA projects to
understand the potential of initiatives to contribute to agricultural transformation and livelihoods, and attract increased investment.