
Conflict Trends Issue 2 2010

“The TfP programme at ACCORD is therefore currently engaged in a series of
activities that aim to increase the understanding and professionalism of the civilian dimension of peacekeeping
operations. With this aim as a central focus, this Conflict Trends Issue focuses on the Civilian Dimension of Peacekeeping
Operations. In order to strengthen the civilian capacity in peacekeeping operations, it is essential to understand
better the evolution and role of civilians within peacekeeping operations. This arises from the realisation that the challenges that the civilian dimension of peacekeeping faces are not only related to deployment,
but are also linked to the overall understanding of the field, both by academics and practitioners. By providing
a reflection on the very nature of the civilian dimension of peacekeeping and acknowledging that it is still a largely
unexplored field, TfP/ACCORD aims to present new perspectives that contribute meaningfully to enhancing peacekeeping research and field practice.”