
Conflict Trends Issue 3 2004

“As a result of the 9/11 events and how it changed the world, it appears that a dividing line has been drawn between those who support a call to root out terrorism wherever it might appear in order to achieve global peace, and those who still think that global peace is possible without resorting to the use of force. The issue seeks to understand the extent to which Africa has been affected by these events but, more importantly, it also evaluates what has been Africa’s response to this challenge. Africa’s response is relevant simply because it is perhaps in this continent, more than any other place in the world, that it is difficult to define exactly what it is that constitutes terrorism. Historically, the African continent and most of the modern states in Africa were forged and created through wars of liberation, some of which could have been declared terrorist. As the continent is still faced with a number of armed conflicts, a question still remains as to how modern African states and relevant bodies respond to these challenges. The evaluation of Africa’s response to terrorism is not intended to see the war on terrorism as the only important security issue facing Africa. This issue also intends to assist in seeking alternative means of dealing with
conflicts around the world.”