
Conflict Trends Issue 3 2006

“The articles in this edition reflect on the deeprooted seeds of conflict by bringing closer together the void between peacekeeping and peacebuilding, and
understanding the importance of human security within the context of state security. The planning and implementation
of peace missions is no simple exploit, but the combination of significant role players in an integrated effort will possibly yield greater results. The question of integration still exists as a challenge for the process of peacekeeping, but this is not to suggest that there are no alternative approaches toward achieving security on the continent. The articles on developmental peace missions, the significance of public information through the United Nations and the impact of local capacity in disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) all
point in a direction that emphasises long-term sustainability in an environment that is primarily focused on short-term stability.This is also one of the many challenges that the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS) has to endure, as explored in the article on the mission in Darfur.”