
Conflict Trends Issue 4 2013

In ‘Africa’s Concept of Unconstitutional Change of Government – How Appropriate?’ Egypt is the latest example of the African Union’s (AU) decision to declare events as an “unconstitutional change of government”, and to suspend Egypt’s AU membership on 5 July 2013. ‘Beyond ‘Westgate’: Towards a Comprehensive and Conflict Responsive Counter-terrorism Strategy’ examines the policy implications of the attack in Kenya’s Westgate Mall from a counterterrorism and conflict resolution perspective. The article ‘Integrating Africa and the Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion in the Process of UNSC Reform’ highlights that advocating for UNSC reform has likely introduced four further forces of African continental tension. ‘Managing Complex Political Dilemmas in West Africa: ECOWAS and the 2012 Crisis in Guinea-Bissau’ examines the initiatives and actions undertaken by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) under its normative frameworks on democracy and good governance to respond to the 2012 political crisis in Guinea-Bissau. ‘Revolution in North Africa: Impetus for Political Transition to Democracy or Sub-regional Insecurity?’ examines the implications of the revolution for democratisation processes in North Africa and security in sub-Saharan Africa. In ‘Mali’s Teachable Moment: The Primacy of Civil Authority in Security Sector Development and Assistance’ precisely because of the recent spate of terrorism in Africa, Mali offers a teachable moment in conflict transformation, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. ‘Raising Africa and the Paradox of its Media Image: Can African Journalists Rescue the Situation?’ traces the historical synopsis of the negative portrayal of Africa in the media, followed by an assessment of the current situation and the existing gaps, before finally looking at the stake of African media practitioners in intervening in the situation through fairness in reporting. A book review on ‘Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict’ concludes the journal.