
Conservation and Sustainable Development Linking Practice and Policy in Eastern Africa

“Our development depends on nature, and if development in our region is to proceed it must be based on sustainable management of the ecosystems that support life. Although this simple fact is well accepted, achieving sustainable development in practical terms is very challenging. Policy-makers need to make the best decisions they can based on the facts that are available to them, but often the facts at their disposal are inadequate, the research is inconclusive, or the policy options are poorly evaluated. Alternatively the people who hold the answers for policy-makers – farmers, pastoralists and other natural resource users – are not connected to
them or lack the skills and opportunities to make their case and share their experiences.
This book shows that there are genuine opportunities to achieve positive development and environment outcomes together. Environmental concerns do not have to displace development priorities, but in order to achieve these win-wins it is necessary to rethink the way environment and development are planned. Translating locally proven good practices into nationally supported policies and investments requires strong partnerships at different levels to improve communication
and evaluation of experiences, and to identify policies that really work.”