“In Chapter two the author defines the concept of devolution and provides the rationale for devolution based on the theories of devolution and the experiences of other countries. Further, she assesses Kenya’s efforts of devolution since independence with a focus on the ‘Majimbo’ system of 1963/4 and the current local government system. Chapter 3 presents country comparative case studies, in it Wallace Kontai seeks to draw lessons for devolution from countries with varying forms of devolution. The study draws lessons for Kenya based on successes, failures and current efforts at improving the effectiveness of devolution in the five case study countries, namely South Africa, Nigeria, India, Papua New Guinea and Bolivia. The author cautions that devolution should not be seen as the solution for all governance and economic failures. Chapter four examines the policy, constitutional and legal framework providing for decentralised funds, including the local capacity to handle the decentralised funds.”