
Ethiopia’s Response to Climate Change and Gender

The integration of gender issues into Ethiopia’s climate policy framework and governmental organizations depends on the extent to which gender issues are appreciated, understood, and reflected within the core processes of key government departments. To assess the status of gender mainstreaming within various departments, in the EFCCC and MoF, interviews were held with key informants. These included directors of the CRGE Facility and Gender Directorate in MoF, and the CRGE and NAP coordination office and the Gender Directorate in the EFCCC. Gender experts within these departments were also interviewed and consulted. The gender directorates within these two institutions play the primary role of supporting and monitoring the integration of gender issues within the functions of the CRGE coordination offices. The study undertook an initial high-level assessment of the integration of gender considerations into planning, budgeting, M&E and project execution. The study focused particularly on the degree to which gender-responsive budgeting has been considered a key element in the successful implementation of the country’s climate change policy. This assessment enabled the consultants to gauge the status of gender integration into climate change governance and provide recommendations to partners wishing to support further progress.