The first article in this issue “Eritrea Symptoms of a coming collapse” attempts to compare the imminent collapse of Eritrea to the collapse of Somalia only 20 years after Eritrea has gained independence . Furthermore it discusses the symptoms whereby to identify this collapse aswell as the consequences of such a collapse and the implications thereof. The second article “ICC and African Union— bones of contention and way forward” attempts to argue that a change in the rules of procedure when attending trails where the accused has extraordinary public duties will benefit both the Kenyan president and vice president. It also contends that the ICC is being misused by dominant powers and that African states must establish mechanisms that will ensure accountability. The last article “The East African Community crisis — beginning of the end or a self-evaluation?” provides an overview of the EAC and analyses the current problems faced by the block. Furthermore it discusses some policy options for the sub-region and other policymakers in the region.