
Horn of Africa Bulletin Vol 25 No.2 March-April 2013

In ‘Dealing with the Mombasa Republican Council’ The Mombasa Republican Council (MRC) is a socio-political and secessionist movement, based in Kenya’s coastal region. Their claim is that the Kenyan coast is legally no longer part of Kenya. In ‘Conflict early warning and early response: space, practice and viability in Kenya’ Conflict early warning and early response is not an entirely new concept in Kenya and traditional African communities. Communities, especially those practicing the pastoral way of life, have been known to forecast occurrences such as cattle raids based on some indicators such as weather patterns. In ‘Beyond security: Assessing the role of IGAD’ at a time when the Horn of Africa region is facing deteriorating security, rise of armed insurgents, bad governance, inter-state tensions and chronic corruption, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) has gradually but steadily lost grip on its regional mandate, degenerating into a perpetual service to vested interests in the guise of global interdependence and multilateralism.’