Climate change has direct impact on agricultural production, because of the climate-dependent nature of agricultural systems. This impact is particularly significant in developing countries where agriculture constitute employment and income sources for the majority of the population. This study was aimed at
promoting understanding of the most cost-effective and sustainable indigenous climate change adaptation practices in southeast Nigeria. The study was conducted in two randomly selected states of the
region namely Imo and Enugu, and in four randomly selected agricultural zones, two from each state. The biggest effect of climate change in the region was reduced farm yield and income, drying up of
streams/rivers, reduction in storage quality of crops, loss of pastureland/vegetation and destruction of
wildlife ecosystem. Some of the coping strategies adopted by the farmers with a relatively high PI include multiple/intercropping, agro-forestry/aforestation, mulching, purchase/harvest of water for irrigation and use of resistant varieties. The major factors identified to be driving farmers’ investment in adaptation practices
were age and level of education of the farmer as well as his/her level of awareness of climate change issues.”