“This paper analyses Botswana’s efforts at implementing the IRBM system. IRBM is a way of reforming public sectors through helping governments focus on proper, well-timed achievement of relevant goals and objectives. Such reform is carried out through the utilisation of strategic planning, systematic implementation and resource usage, performance monitoring, measurement and reporting as well as systematic use of performance information to improve policy decision making and programme performance at all levels. IRBM is, therefore, a way of improving implementation by linking budgetary and human resources systems, and producing timely quality information that is linked through entire government organs. Given the potential for IRBM to reform government operations, this paper describes IRBM and analyses its strengths and weaknesses. It outlines its components and, in order to clarify its potential, gives accounts of a number of international experiences with IRBM systems, the challenges faced therein and the solutions often prescribed for such.”