
Lessons Notes on Capacity Development in Africa

This Compendium brings together the lessons and experiences of selected capacity building interventions by ACBF in the following areas: Building capacity in economic policy management: lessons from regional training programs; Public sector management in Africa: experiences and lessons from the training programs; Supporting policies for regional integration in Africa: experiences and lessons from regional capacity development programs; Challenges of building capacities in fragile states: lessons from Africa; Enhancing policy uptake in Africa: the role of think tanks; Managing think tanks in Africa: what works, what doesn’t, and why; Ensuring the sustainability of think tanks in Africa; Measuring the effectiveness of capacity building programs; and Moving beyond capacity building to capacity retention and utilization. The main objective of this Compendium of Lessons Notes is to produce and share knowledge on the lessons learned during the past three decades of capacity building efforts in Africa, in order to provide a framework for understanding how to better design and implement more effective capacity development programs that would enable the continent to achieve its development goals and aspirations.