In Mozambique, there has been some instances where Civil Society Organisation (CSO) work on information disclosure has contributed to actions resulting in the compensation and resettlement of affected mining communities, information about extractive contracts and concessions being made publicly available on line, and actions resulting in development and changes in mining legislation. But such action is at best episodic, and generally, there has been little social and political action (SPA) around information disclosure, which demands government accountability. A recent study on information disclosure in the extractive sector has found 18 factors that result in citizen and institutional (state and non-state) inaction in demanding government accountability. The study shows that citizens and/or institutions are unlikely to demand government accountability when citizens’ are experiencing high levels of economic vulnerability, a single political party has dominated governments for a long period of time, CSOs have weak citizens’ mobilisation strategies and information disclosure is presented in a written form in a context where adult illiteracy rate is 45%; and there is an institutional culture of ‘submissiveness’ created out of fear of the political regime