On 9-10 October 2019, the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), the United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP), and the Gorée Institute jointly organized a two-day multi-stakeholder dialogue on the theme “Migration, Peace and Security: What Role for CSOs”. The forum, held on Gorée Island, Senegal, attracted over 40 participants from civil society,
government, academia, and international and regional organizations in 10 countries. Participants recognized that the location of the Post-Tana Forum on Gorée Island was symbolic of the important
historical legacy of migration in and out of Africa. The Tana Forum was commended as a symbol of African intellectual independence, and the organization of dialogue foras such as the Post-Tana Forum was appreciated as a useful space for key organizations such as ECOWAS to discuss and
develop substantive knowledge and policies on migration.The dialogue sought to explore migration and free movement of people in the nexus of regional integration, address the pros and cons of this discourse, and recommend practical operable recommendations for the AU, Member States, RECs/RMs and other stakeholders working on migration, peace and security. The specific objectives of the forum were to: • Assess the situation of migration and displacement in Africa and challenges posed; • Discuss strategic approaches that protect the human rights of migrants and refugees in countries of destination, transit, and origin; • Identify the critical role of CSOs on the topic.