This document briefly outlines aspects of German foreign policy in post-cold war Europe, as well as German relations with post-Apartheid South Africa. The first priority of German foreign policy had been peace in Europe and German reunification and it now faces the task of integrating the two Germanies, which is more difficult and costly than expected. German re-unification has not changed its commitment to European economic and political integration, which is threatened by ethnic conflicts and the risk of unsuccessful Eastern European economies. However, Germany will not cut down economic assistance to the Third World, and a unified Germany will remain engaged in Africa, especially due to the recent positive developments in southern Africa, especially South Africa. Germany had opposed apartheid and is convinced that South Africa will be an important partner of united Germany due to the potential of economic and cultural ties. Once a non-racial political system is established, these energies can be streamlined, coordinated and increased, since Germany recognizes the importance of foreign investment to restore the South African economy. Germany can also share its experiences in nation-building.