
Politique Nationale d’Evaluation 2012-2021 / National Evaluation Policy 2012-2021

Results-based management has been the subject of reform implemented in Benin’s public administration since 2000. Since 2006, this reform has been generalized throughout the public administration and has led to a collective awareness of the need to ensure a more efficient and effective public service with a more rational political approach. In this regard, evaluation has emerged as an important function that needs to be integrated into the public policy management cycle to assist decision-making and guide government action. As the development of evaluative practice in Benin has been recognized as a necessity by all stakeholders in the development process, the Government intends to develop in coherence with the continuation of the reform of results-based management, a genuine national system of development, evaluation that will help improve public action and strengthen the evaluation culture within the Public Administration. [This document is also available in French: Politique National d’Evaluation 2012-2021.]