The Regional Climate Change Dialogue and Training Workshop provided an avenue for sharing experiences and lessons drawn from the different countries relating to climate change. The overall goal of the regional workshop was to bring different partners and stakeholders with different climate expertise and interest together on the same platforms to learn, share and connect to understand each other and to promote climate information use for decision-making and planning. This included training policy makers, scientists and other stakeholders on various topics relating to climate information and services and informing policy recommendations by equipping African stakeholders with adequate climate information and capacity needed to promote a development pathway that is climate resilient at institutional, national and regional levels. The chief guest Hon. Samuel Onuigbo, Chairman of the Committee on Climate Change of the Federal House of Representatives, Nigeria noted that the topics discussed were very important especially to Nigeria and Africa as a whole because better ways on how to bridge climate information gap in Africa will be shared amongst each other. Dr Alice Kaudia, Environment Secretary, Kenya in her opening remarks emphasized on the importance of climate Information and quality research work reaching people at the right time, if information is not delivered at the right time then the written publications will not have any impact to the public.