A growing body of evidence suggests that learning and cooperation among developing nations is
increasing in both frequency and complexity. The evidence suggests that their cooperation is
expanding to include not only economic cooperation but now encompasses health, education,
communication, research, development and also the geopolitical ambitions of leading countries of the
South. Brought together by shared backgrounds and common challenges, people in developing
nations are coalescing together as peers to find new and innovative solutions to development issues.
Reviews of technical cooperation suggest that South-South learning from sharing is often more
effective in developing capacity than one-way knowledge transfers from the North. As the build up towards the Buenos Aires Plan of Action +40 in March 2019 gains momentum, African Civil society notes with concern the need for their input in the prioritization and collaboration with other concerned stakeholder in the development of strategic frameworks of SSC. These are not limited
only to the need of knowledge sharing and research but also stretch to the monitoring and evaluation
of the frameworks and SSC initiatives.