
Spatial Variation in Rural Development and Internal Migration in Delta State, Nigeria

This study of the Delta State rural development pattern, has shown that rural communities in the state are at different stages of socio-economic development as some are better developed than others. The migration patterns and trends shown in this study, are closely related to the patterns of socio-economic development of the rural communities. The less developed communities were characterized by out-migrants who have been away for longer years compared with those who left the more advanced communities. The out-migrants from the less advanced rural communities left in search of employment or to learn a trade while education and change of job accounted for most of those who out-migrated from the more advanced communities. Finally, a greater proportion of the out-migrants from the advanced communities returned after less than 10 years compared with those who left the less advanced countries who stayed longer or permanently in their areas of destination. The challenge of equitable rural socioeconomic development in Delta State, basically relates to the need to devise strategies for raising the level of development in the less developed rural communities as well as ensure the future equitable development of all rural communities in the state and other parts of the Niger Delta region.