
State of the Ethiopian Economy 2020/21: Economic Development. Population Dynamics, and Welfare

This report aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of social and economic issues; inform policymaking; contribute to the design of operational programs and investment options; and initiate further research and debate; and serve as an important reference document. This first report, SEE 2020/21, covers Urbanization, Population Dynamics, Welfare and Economic Development in recognition of their interrelationships. However, it has to be noted that though the themes of SEE 2020 contain four sectoral areas, the SEE is a single, interlinked and holistic study bringing salient features of population, migration, urbanization and welfare to be informed by and further informing economic development. A new dimension that is added in the SEE is that, in contrary to the traditional approach of a single sector analysis, SEE has made a thorough analysis among interrelated themes. Accordingly, the current SEE 2020 explored the interlinkages among urbanization, population dynamics, and welfare and their implications to macroeconomic development and made holistic policy implications. The report has tried to trace back 10 years and look 10 years into the future end beyond on each theme where data permits. It also integrates spatial and gender dimensions including urban/rural dynamics, and pull-push factors into the overall analysis.