This brief examines the use of seeds and fertilizer subsidy in the maize producing rural councils of
Chamwino and Iringa located in Dodoma and Iringa regions respectively. While Chamwino experiences dry Savannah climate and sporadically semi-arid, Iringa has mid and low landscapes with favorable rainfall. Nonetheless, this report adopted quantitative and qualitative approaches where 5 out of 12 villages were listed to receive input voucher in Chamwino district council and 5 villages out of 113 in Iringa were sampled randomly. The sample sizes included, 500 farmers, 60 Voucher Committee members, 30 Agro dealers, 50 Village leaders, 20 farmer organization leaders/village
leaders/ordinary members and attend 10 village meetings for observation. This brief draws on a project commissioned by Irish Embassy in Tanzania in 2016 to REPOA to study the implementation of NAIVS policy in Iringa and Chamwino districts. The brief explores how subsidized inputs were applied and/or used. These districts were chosen purposefully based on their agronomic and socio-economic characteristics as most of areas in Tanzania fall under these categories.