“This study assesses the Kenyan policy and institutional framework concerning
South–South labour migration with particular focus on the East African Community (EAC) countries. It focuses mainly on one particular policy instrument, the East African Community Common Market framework. The research further looks at country-specific policies in relation to the common
market framework. The study relied on desk research into the existing literature and public records; key informant interviews (KIIs) of policymakers in respective EAC Partner States’ governments with the exception of Burundi; as well as with
private labour recruitment agencies in each country. The study has found that the EAC framework is not sufficiently implemented at the national level and only inconsistently incorporates other country-specific policies dealing with labour migration in the region. The study underlines Kenya’s dominance in
the EAC, especially in terms of its best trained and skilled human resources working in all EAC Partner States. The main recommendation centres on the need for harmonizing national labour policy frameworks and legislation as well as the free movement of labour as enshrined in the Protocol on the East African Community Common Market(PEACCM).”