Briefing Paper

The Impact of China-Africa Aid Relations: The Case of Angola

“The primary purpose of this research project is to undertake a comprehensive analysis of the key features and patterns of the past, current and future evolution of the economic relations between China and African countries. The study allows a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of China-Angola aid relations. The paper acknowledges that the overwhelming bulk of China’s aid is directed towards infrastructure development, but the disciplinary focus of Chinese aid to Angola is far more diversified. This paper examined
the other sectors of cooperation, with
particular emphasis on how both parties could address human resource development in order to build capacity and encourage technology transfer. The second contribution is a quantitative estimation of the impact of
China-Angola aid relations. There is a
lot of approximate figures and ‘guesstimations’ in the media on Angola’s accumulated debt to China and the size of its credit line. The third contribution of the study is the critical observation of what China-Angola aid relations implies for the global financial system and in the international donor community.”