
The South Sudan Defence Force (SSDF): A Challenge to the Sudan Peace Process

“The Sudan IGAD Peace Process may well have passed a critical juncture from which there is no turning back. Few in southern Sudan will be convinced of its legitimacy unless the many divisions in their community — and none is more marked than that between the SSDF and the SPLM/A — are resolved. From its inception the Sudan IGAD Peace Process has suffered from a lack of democracy, and from the assumption by the mediators and important
elements among the international community that the SPLM/A and the GoS control the destiny of the country. The first shock to the holders of this myopic view was the rapidly escalating war and humanitarian crisis in Darfur. The second shock could well be a demonstration of the inability of
either the GoS or the SPLM/A to control and pacify the disparate elements of the SSDF.”