
The ZIPAR Quarterly Issue 1

“This quarterly newsletter takes a look at tax evasion still being a challenge in Zambia, enhancing export performance in Zambia and innovative ways of bridging the financial gap for the poor. The cover story “Lusaka needs Public Transport Reforms” brings to the fore some defects of the current PT system and recommendations to reform the current operational system. One of the basic necessities that is top priority for any modern city but has eluded Lusaka over the last two decades is a public transport facility that is safe, efficient, comfortable and affordable. Another story of key interest in this edition is about the Landmark Summit for African Think Tanks which took place in Pretoria, South Africa in February 2014. Africa’s Think Tanks are potential reservoirs for leading ideas for Africa’s transformation; hence the first summit in Pretoria provided an invaluable platform that will enhance African Think Tanks’ capacity to nurture knowledge and learning and share lessons that enable growth, action and above all transformation.”