“The paper has demonstrated that Uganda has continued to register significant reduction in poverty based on the data drawn from repeated cross-sectional household surveys, but at slower rates of reduction with significant regional disparities. The rate of reduction was fastest during the period 2002/3-2005/6 and slowest in the 2009/10- 2012/13. This progress corroborates with growth in consumption as well as the GDP growth rates in the same period. For instance, higher GDP growth rates in 2002/3 to 2005/6 translated into higher growth in consumption relative to other sub-periods. The results have further revealed that growth was not pro-poor for the entire decade with the exception of the period 2009/10-2012/13. In the most recent period, growth was pro-poor at national level and for rural areas. Put differently, growth benefitted the poor as much as GDP growth recorded its least performance in this period.”