“Africa’s continued agricultural growth over the last couple of years has come
from land expansion rather than increased productivity. However, available
agricultural lands are rapidly diminishing due to urbanization, while soil fertility
continue to decline due to land degradation, poor farming practices, soil erosion, and the impact of climate change. There are growing concerns to rethink current land use mechanisms, and devise innovative strategies that ensure that available land under agricultural production becomes more productive and sustainable. Efforts to achieve increased food productivity will come not only from agricultural intensification and land conversion production strategies but will require access to accurate, robust, and timely information and knowledge of land potential to support decision making at the various scales of the agricultural system. By empowering farmers with information via access to modern technology, they will be in a better position to innovate and effectively change the potential of their
land through farm practices that enhance productivity as well as increase crop
and land resilience to variable and changing climatic conditions.”