“Despite high levels of economic growth in many African countries, the continent’s wage employment figures remain low. This pattern of jobless growth makes a dent on the dictum ‘Africa rising’ as growth has not been inclusive. Growth is inclusive if it provides high levels of employment and rising wages to the citizens, and further enables them to have a say on the orientation of the growth process. In the midst of jobless growth, many researchers have examined the constraints to wage employment creation in different sectors but it remains unknown how much of this has informed and influenced existing employment policies and programmes in African countries. The objective of the initiative is to establish and sustain a vibrant policy research and advocacy community of practice that will effectively engage key policy makers and practitioners in policy debates and workshops so as to catalyze generation of new research evidence and; synthesize existing relevant research evidence including studies supported by diverse institutions on employment creation and inclusive growth and make them available to policy makers and practitioners through policy briefs, newspaper articles, short and precise reports, among other forms of communication.”