The impact of climate change in African countries has been widely acknowledged. Africa has made
considerable efforts over the past decade in the development of regional and national strategies and
institutions aimed at supporting African countries to transition towards climate resilient and less
carbon-intensive economies.This report provides an assessment of the climate information, needs and services in Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Tunisia. The aim of this assessment was to:
Identify the gaps in collection, accessing, dissemination, packaging and utilization of climate
information and services in five countries (Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Tunisia); Identify the legal and regulatory framework in the countries and how those affect access, dissemination, packaging and utilization of climate information and services; Analyze the extent of utilization of climate information and services in the five counties; Examine the extent to which the various sectors are impacted by the lack of climate information and services; Assess the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of the people engaged in different livelihoods across the five countries.