
From Eurafrique to Afro-Europe: Africa and Europe in a New Century

The aim of the seminar was to examine the historical and contemporary relationship between Africa and Europe, and to investigate whether this relationship is one of habit or one of real strategic importance for both continents. The seminar explored the unfolding economic relationship between the two continents and discussed issues of regional integration, peacekeeping, military co-operation, and migration. It further assessed the interests of Europe in Africa, the growth of institutional linkages between the African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU), and the political, economic, and security roles that Africa expects Europe to play on the continent. The meeting drew on the expertise of about 40 policymakers, civil society activists and scholars. Twenty-five African and European authors produced papers and received feedback on their respective inputs at the seminar. The seminar papers will form the basis of chapters to be included in an edited volume, and will be
widely disseminated in Africa, Europe, and beyond. The development and security agendas in the relationship between Africa and Europe have become closely connected, with the migration question increasingly gaining prominence. The rich North and the poor South are also being confronted
with issues of climate change, renewable energy and most recently, the global food and financial crises. The seminar on which this report is based, explored critically the nature of the relationship between Africa and Europe and the potential for further strategic engagement between both continents.