
Migration and Governance in Africa: Lessons for Policymakers

It may be safe to say that there are no places or territories where human communities sprouted (like seeds) from the ground. As such, all human communities everywhere (essentially) are the net results of migrant behaviors (ancient or contemporary). While some communities were made up of people who relocated in prehistoric times and could lay claim to being among the “original” settlers in particular places, many others resettled more recently (relatively) in areas already claimed or considered home by others. In essence, human movements have always been integral, historically, to quests by all human communities and nations for personal safety and communal security, development and prosperity. While people were largely pushed (for instance – by war, famine, drought, flooding, crop failures and safety hazards) into involuntary decisions to leave their homes and communities in ancient times, such challenges appear to have become less crucial in contemporary times with the advent of national, bilateral and multilateral aid systems. This book is an attempt to provide alternative insights and policy ideas for African governments on how best to rethink or reconceptualise their skilled staffing difficulties and the associated implications and impacts on their issues such as: human capital development and retention problems; slow economic growth; socio-economic and political disorders; and persistent underdevelopment and poverty. To rephrase and redirect Steven Cohen: with the world getting smaller and economic competition based increasingly on creativity, communications, big data applications and changes in technology and technological innovation, countries that have some of the best minds that the world has to offer will have a distinct advantage. Given its competitive youthful population, Africa can be that place — if its governments endeavor to harness their youthful energies directly for contributive transformative change and development.