
Regional Security in the Post-Cold War Horn of Africa

“This monograph contains papers that were
presented and extensively discussed at this particular Expert Roundtable. The monograph primarily attempts to study political decision-making, personalities and historical experiences, and also to identify key issues of intra-state politics and patterns of internal insurgency in the Horn of Africa. It explores the shape of inter-state relations, events, crises, escalatory confrontations,disputes and regional balance of power in the region; and it evaluates the
structural foundations, processes, institutions and role of the state in the Horn of Africa. It also provides sufficiently cross-referenced, timely and relevant information and analysis on aspects of the complex and fast-changing political
conflicts in the region, investigate their root causes as well as the possibilities of
their prevention, their effective management and their likely impacts. The monograph also assesses the functioning, successes and failures of the regional organisation, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development
(IGAD), as well as the involvement of the continental organisation, the African Union. It examines the basis for the most significant involvements of external powers in the region and their geopolitical interests. Moreover, it discusses the issues and events related to terrorism in the region. Hence, this monograph critically analyses the forces and factors affecting the structure and evolution of the Horn of Africa as well as its place in world politics.”